The system of roads known as the Ruta Panorámica traverses from west to east through Puerto Rico’s central mountain ranges. Named after the enchanted island’s first elected governor, Luis Muñoz Marin, the Ruta functions as a kind of corridor, running through the heart of the island and connecting its travelers to the people and local cultures of Puerto Rico. Juan Álamo’s CD Ruta Panoramica is a sonic realization of the Ruta, a realization in music wherein its rhythms, harmonies, and melodies move simultaneously in multi-layers and multi-directions.
One for Bobby
El Morro

Arturo O'Farrill, pianist, composer, Grammy award winner
“(Juan Alamo is) an exceptional musician, his improvisational prowess and command of the language is excellent! His compositions are very high quality as well….”
Lucia's Mambo
Calle del Sol

Steve Hobbs, jazz vibist, marimbist & composer
“Marimba Man Juan Alamo’s playing and composing on his new release Ruta Panoramica (Summit Records) is world class, he and his band knock it out the park. Highly recommended!!!!!! Juan is not a copycat, he’s an artist! Go Juan!